This 2003 minibus is an ongoing project that we have been part of. Upon purchase the owner stripped the minibus back to its bare bones to reveal some severe rust and damage on the rear wheel arches, front wheel arches and rear of the bus.
The project required custom fabrication and welding in order to restore the various areas back to their former glory. This included creating lowered wheel arches for the living area.
The front arch repair required some fabrication around the bus door frame. We ensured this was adequately braced before removing the corroded metal before welding in some heavy gauge box section to ensure the frame was strong.
The owner opted to have the work done in stages as this is an ongoing project and we were happy to oblige. The latest work involved removing the rusty windscreen surround to assess the damage caused by a leaking seal.
We advised on the best course of action and then welded in a new surround alongside some extensive repairs behind the screen.
As this is an ongoing project we are likely to add to this page.
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